Ministries / Children & Youth
Children’s Time: Our pastor conducts a Children’s Time every week at both services. Delightful interaction takes place as he provides a message which connects with the adult sermon, and he and the children pray together.
Acolytes are mentored and trained to assist in our worship services. Children’s Sunday School classes are offered as well as our nursery for children under the age of 5.
75th Anniversary Kite Flying and Bee House Making
Sharp Memorial UMC Annual Easter Egg Hunt 2024
Children’s Advent Craft Night 12-23
Children's Ministries: John 3:16 Party
Children and Youth Christmas Pageant
Trunk or Treat
Children's Ministries: John 3:16 Party
A great day at our John 3:16 Party (February 11) where we celebrated God’s greatest gift to us - his son Jesus.