Pastor’s Welcome


"HOW BEAUTIFUL upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation," says Isaiah (52:7).  Not how beautiful is the messenger’s voice, which proclaim the good tidings, nor how beautiful are the messenger’s eyes as one proclaims them, but how beautiful are the feet—the feet without which the messenger could never have made it up into the mountains, without which the good tidings would never have been proclaimed at all.

Who knows in what inspired way the heart, mind, or spirit of the mountain messenger came to receive the good tidings of peace and salvation in the first place?  Maybe the equally important question is whether he or she would actually do something about them—the messenger’s feet were the ones that finally had to decide. 

Maybe it is always so.  If you want to know who you really are, as distinct from who you like to think you are, keep an eye on where your feet take you.  I pray that your feet will take you to worship, small group studies, and places of mission and ministry at Sharp Memorial UMC as we welcome all feet to our beautiful mountain area.

- Reverend Stephen Soulen