Ministries / United Methodist Men
Purpose: The local men's organization shall provide a dedicated ministry for building men spiritually and involving men in the total ministry of the church. SHARP MEN shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily His will.
United Methodist Men exist to declare the centrality of Christ in every man's life. Its ministry leads to the spiritual growth of men and effective discipleship. We are called to model the leadership of Jesus Christ.
Sharp Men Serve Ice Cream at 75th Anniversary Ice Cream Social
Spaghetti Supper
Sharp Men donate $500- to the Towns County Food Pantry and $500 to the Clay County Food Pantry
Shrove Tuesday
UMM Church Cleanup
Sharp United Methodist Mens' sponsored Annual Church Wide Picnic and Projects
Sharp Men and a Yard Cleanup
Membership is open to any man who indicates his desire to belong and to participate in the ministry of the church. Individual and group strategies forming the foundation of the United Methodist Men ministry are found in the "Book of Discipline". Sharp Men are designed to be inclusive! Men of varying ages and interests are needed to make our organization complete.
The Sharp Men meet each Wednesday morning at 7:30 AM at Mary's Southern Grill in Young Harris for a prayer breakfast meeting which includes a devotional.
Our Officers, Activities and Projects
Sharp UMM Officers
Ron Day - President
Jim Barker - Vice President
John Richards - Secretary
John Green - Treasurer
Paul Yellina - Vice President Publicity
Activities of Sharp Men:
UMM Pancakes and More Shrove Tuesday Supper
Annual Church Family Picnic
Annual Church Christmas Dinner with the Sharp Tones
Annual Spaghetti Dinner
Assist with Thanksgiving boxes for Towns County Food Pantry
Provide lunch following Lenten service
Assist different groups with Fellowship Hall set-up
Projects of Sharp Men:
Coordinate and collect yams for Thanksgiving Food Boxes for the Towns County Food Pantry
Habitat for Humanity assistance
Assist with grounds keeping at the church
Poinsettia Christmas Project