Sharp Methodist Women’s Circles
Purpose: The organized unit of the United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

Guidelines for UMW Membership
Membership in United Methodist Women shall be open to any woman who indicates a desire to belong and to participate in the global mission of the church through the organization.
I Pledge
My prayers, that I may experience growth and renewal in my relationship to God and to my sisters and brothers.
My time, that I may respond to human need through study, action and reflection.
My gifts through UNITED METHODIST WOMEN, that I may share in the global ministries of the church.
Note: Pledge amount does not include extra gifts, such as World Thank Offering, or any designated gifts, such as A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial and Supplementary gifts.
Sharp Memorial UMW Circles
Fay Hoag circle meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM at the church. The UMW guidelines for study programs are used.
Mary Martha circle meets usually on the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM, in a member's home or at the church.
Ruth Circle meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 3:30 PM at the church. They have ongoing book studies and mission projects.
UMW is designed to be inclusive!
Women of varying ages and interests are needed to make our circles complete. Child care is provided as needed.
Sharp Memorial UMW Activities:
Visit homebound and nursing homes
Condolence meals
Reading program
Mission studies
Special programs that create community awareness and social concerns
Sponsor youth camp scholarships
Purchase library materials
Prayer chain
Honor new babies with mission contributions
Mother/Daughter/Friend Banquet biannually
Snack supper for youth
Mission involvement putting together health kits, making school totes, etc.

UMW Executive Board Luncheon for Widows, Widowers and Singles